Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The List
I moved to Peaks Island, Maine from New York City in 1997 with my three young children and husband, now ex-husband. The idea at the time was to raise the kids close to nature on an island, unconnected by bridge to the mainland, where it would be impossible to build a Walmart or a MacDonalds.

According to the 2000 census, there are 843 year-round residents on Peaks. In the summer the population swells to 6,000. There are only 14 unbridged islands left in Maine that claim year round residency and Peaks Island is one of them. Located three miles by sea from downtown Portland, Peaks Island is the most commutable island in Casco Bay. Ferry service is provided by Casco Bay Lines, one of the oldest ferry companies in the United States. The ferry (loving called “The Boat” by islanders) makes its first run at 5:45 am and 14 runs a day. The last ferry departs from Portland at 10:30 pm. The very last boat, and last chance to get off the island and travel “uptown” to Portland, departs Peaks at 10:55 pm. Uless you have your own private vessel, there is no way to reach the mainland until dawn.

Casco Bay Lines has transported residents and visitors to Peaks Island for 150 years, most notably in the early twentieth century when Peaks Island was known as the “Coney Island of the North” for its famous Gem Theater and other entertainment venues. In the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century the island had a stable population of interrelated families, which dwindled during the Great Depression, and then dwindled even more when the island was taken over by the U.S. Army by eminent domain during World War II. After the war, the city of Portland began a policy of sending families with histories of substance abuse and a dependency on public assistance to live year round on Peaks Island. During this time the island became a sort of floating welfare state. In the early nineties the island underwent a renaissance when young families and professionals gentrified the island by renovating the old historic homes and creating local businesses. Real Estate values still hold today.

Islanders pride themselves on resourcefulness and the ability of making due with very little. When reliable Internet became available on the island, residents put together their own local version of Craig’s List. I am a subscriber. As a writer, I became interested in how individual voice plays a role even in the most innocuous posts. Narratives emerge, issues are brought forth, debated, resolved or dismissed in these posts. Here I have assembled a selection of individual posts: They represent a cross section of island concerns and preoccupations, and some of the challenges of everyday life on the island. I have not altered a word or omitted anything from any of the posts. They appear here as they once did, in their relevant moment, in cyber space. To protect people’s privacy, I have altered real names to pseudonyms.

* * *

Welcome to the Peaks Island List.  With many hundreds of subscribers, the list is an effective means of island-wide communication, and I enjoy doing it.  It’s an information exchange, not a soapbox.   Post information islanders can use.  I will not publish position papers, screeds, open letters to the community, and the like.

P. T. Sterling

September 1, 2012

Re: Lost Chicken

Greetings All,

We seem to have misplaced a chicken. She's a lovely Golden Comet (small and orange) who answers to the name Gertrude.


On the off chance that she's been kidnapped—we will trade three dozen eggs for her safe return.... or four....or five! Whatever you want.... 

If you see our chicken would you give us a call? Thank you.

Jane Brackett

September 5, 2012

Re: Happy foraging!

I'm new to Peaks and will be here at least through the winter. I am currently looking for work and have recently finished an apprenticeship in sustainable living. I am enjoying fall foraging around the island and am currently harvesting sumac and rose hips for wine making.

On the job front I am most interested in elder care, but will take suggestions for temp agencies as well. Also, I am looking for an island cart if anyone knows of a spare one available. I look forward to meeting everyone!


September 6, 2012

Re: Need firewood!

Hello Island Friends,


I am looking for someone to share in a firewood delivery by the firewood man. He will deliver 3+ cords per trip, but I really only need 1, maybe 2. Cost for seasoned firewood is $250/cord, plus freight. Delivery will be in October after freight rates go down.


If anyone is interested in a cord or two of wood, please contact me and we'll set something up.

Tim Browne

September 7, 2012

Re: Loaf and Ladle Dinner

We are beginning another season of Loaf and Ladle Dinners for Peaks Island Tax and Energy Assistance. All funds raised at our dinners are used for energy assistance only. Energy Assistance applications will be on the Library Bulletin Board.  The money we raise is used to help Island applicants with their energy bills.  

There will be a small brochure available on Saturday night which tells more about us and the work we do.  All applications are submitted to clergy members who make the final determination on eligibility.  Heating season has started.

Pastor Beatrice Watts

September 8, 2012

Re: In dire need of warm clothing

A boy we know just moved to Maine from Florida and is in dire need of warm, 8 yr old size 10 clothes. Unfortunately, all our boys clothes that size are still on the boy. If anyone has anything lying around, I'll come pick it up.

Marty Jones

September 9, 2012

Fearless Hunter Needed


Does anyone have any extra mice traps that I could use? Or, would you be open to lending your fearless hunterly cat to me for a few days?

Any other info on how to rid myself of mice without using poisons?


Our Chicken, Gertrude, has been found.

Jane Brackett

September 10, 2012

Re: Lost bike

For the last two days there has been a boy's green-and-white Kawasaki bike parked alongside Brackett/Whaleback Road, down by Battery Steele.


September 11, 2012

Re: Missing vegetables

I'm missing a box of vegetables that came over on the 15:15 boat today (Wednesday).  They were in a cart with some flowers, when we went to pick them up at 1630...they were gone.

If found, drop me a line please!

Petunia Mills

September 16, 2012

Re: Stolen bike!

Our red Schwinn bike was stolen today by the ferry dock. I've been sharing the bike with my daughter, Maisy, since her bike was stolen last month. She has been using a lock, but today could not find the key. If anyone sees this bike, please let us know. Or if you took the bike please, please return. Not only is it the best bike in the world—it has sentimental value.


September 18, 2012

Re: Energy Assistance Fund

Dear Friends,


Over the last week of so we have heard many predictions about the energy needs of our friends and neighbors this winter.  The price MAY go up and this can be quite worrisome for those who are on fixed incomes or who have other financial problems or needs.  How do you budget when you really do not know the costs.   On Peaks Island we have the means to offer assistance with food and energy.  Our food pantry is located in the Brackett Memorial Church and the Peaks Island Baptist Church delivers Sunday dinner to folks who cannot go out.

Peaks Island Tax and Energy Assistance is prepared to assist those whose energy or property tax assistance applications are approved by our Clergy. We can also deliver dinners when we have our Saturday evening Loaf and Ladle Dinners.  At any time that a neighbor or friend needs assistance Islanders come together to help.  We are a community that cares.

Pastor Beatrice Watts

September 19, 2012

Re: Stolen bike found!

The red Schwinn bike has been found.



September 19, 2012

Re: Free stuff!

We are in the final stages of cleaning out for our move and will yet again be putting free stuff out on the lawn. Kitchen stuff, lamps, picture frames, candles, baskets and who knows what else. We are packing all weekend and will be adding more stuff as I go.


And yes, lots more copies of Cormac McCarthy's play, The Stone Mason. (Perfect for all those people you don't really know on your holiday gift list).


Everything is free for the taking, but we will have a box for donations to the Peaks Island Energy and Tax Assistance--if you feel so inclined.


I also have a couple of desks and desk chairs that will be available in another week. Knock on the door if you'd like to see them.

Rachel Rosenbloom

September 20, 2012

Re: More free stuff!

Almost forgot. We have an artificial Christmas tree and lots of ornaments. 

Rachel Rosenbloom

September 21, 2012

Re: Donation box robbery

Ron and I were very disappointed that someone took the box with the donations for the Peaks Island Energy and Tax Assistance donations from in front of our house today. (165 Island Ave.)


It disappeared between 3 and 4:15 pm today while we were sitting in the front room. It was a white box about the size of a ream of 8.5 x 11 typing paper. 


We did see a couple of boys playing near the box right before it disappeared. They were both blond and were wrestling with each other—I think lower school age. A third boy with darker hair on a bike joined them too.


If the box and donations return, no questions will be asked.

Rachel Rosenbloom

September 22, 2012

Re: Transformer needed

Note to whoever took the red desk lamp with three legs on wheels from my front yard on Saturday: you forgot the transformer that goes with it and enables you to plug it into the wall. I still have the transformer. Email me and I'll get it to you.

Rachel Rosenbloom

September 23, 2012

Re: Help! Lost earring!

I lost the mate to the earring in the attached photo yesterday.  I might have dropped it on the 915pm Machigonne run.  If you found it, please let me know.  I just got these as a gift from a dear friend, so it would mean a lot to find it.


September 25, 2012

Re: Help stop noise pollution on Peaks

Here is the link to the last PWM Jetport Noise Advisory Meeting.  They will be approved at this evening's meeting.  The meeting tonight will be held at 5:30 PM this evening at the Jetport in conference room A.  All are welcome.

Matt Trefethen

September 27, 2012

Re: Tar Sands

Canadian oil giant Enbridge Corporation may soon propose the pumping of dirty tar sands oil from Canada through Maine, past Lake Sebago and on into Portland, where it would be loaded onto tankers for shipment to refineries.


Tar sands oil is fundamentally different from the crude now being pumped from Portland to Montreal.  A tar sands oil spill would have catastrophic economic and environmental impacts on Casco Bay communities like Peaks Island.  There are many other reasons for concern about the extraction, shipment and consumption of this toxic product.


Come and learn about the realities and risks of tar sands oil at a community forum co-sponsored by Peaks Environmental Action Team and Sierra Club Maine.  Sierra Club Maine’s Chapter Director Glen Brand will present.

Matt Trefethen

September 28, 2012

Re: Yes! The Umbrella Cover Museum has made it into the Guinness Book of World Records!

I got the news - YES! The Umbrella Cover Museum is the world's largest collection of umbrella covers OFFICIALLY!!! I got the certificate in the mail today—730 covers to establish a new World Record. Thanks again to everyone for your support, encouragement, and old umbrella covers! I love Peaks Island!

Nancy 3. DeLano

September 30, 2012

Re: Roommate needed

My five year old son and I are looking for a roommate to share our home on Peaks for the winter (possibly longer). We love kids, yoga, organics, bikes, and everything about this island. 

Martha Smith

October 1, 2012

Re: No Happy Chickens this weekend

Due to a scheduling conflict, there will be no fresh, happy chickens available on the island this weekend. 

Linda McGregor

October 3, 2012

Re: Loving this autumn wind!

Two things: first, I am loving this beautiful autumn wind and would LOVE to crew for anyone going out in the bay that needs an extra pair of hands. 

Second, I am looking for dance studio recommendations for ballet and belly dance. 


Thanks and be well!


October 3, 2012

Re: Presidential debate anyone?

I do not have a TV.  If you are planning to watch the debate wed night, can I watch with you?   I am happy to bring munchies of the healthy or guilty pleasure kind.  Probably be nice if we were rooting for the same team but in the interest of keeping this listserv non-political, we can chat off line.


October 4, 2012

Re: Searching for a mystery good Samaritan

Someone gave my son and two of his friends a ride to my house on back shore yesterday. They were out on their own without permission (they slipped out from the friend's yard without the parents seeing), walking all around the island in the rain near dusk, and this mystery person helped them out. If you are that good Samaritan, please give me a call so I can find out more details of the misadventure and thank you myself in person? 
Mike Peterson

October 5, 2012

Re: Septic pump

We have a Blow Brothers truck coming to the island on the morning of October 11th.  So far, I have three households signed up to share the costs of the ferry ticket (estimated at a total of $365) BUT the truck can handle 4 septics of 1000 gallons or less.  If you are interested in joining the group, please contact me via email or phone.

Jill Hannigan

October 7, 2012

Re: I love my black rubber camping pad

On Friday, 10/5 after 1pm,  I absentmindedly drove away from my house on Upper A with a black rubber camping pad (1.25" thick, 2' wide and about 8' long) unsecured on my roof... I think it fell off somewhere in that vicinity of the Old Trott Burying Ground (and somehow I failed to notice), either on Ernest St near the Children's Workshop, on Upper or Lower A or possibly on Daniel St.


Please call me or email, if you found it. I would really like to get it back. I had been using it to protect the roof of my car while I moved a ladder, but I got it years ago in Alaska and it has sentimental value.

Rufus Browne

October 7, 2012

Re: Anyone have old cookie sheets?

Seeking a few old cookie sheets for a project… Well used is totally fine.


October 9, 2012

Re: Halloween conundrum

It's almost time to think about Halloween!  Scott and Nancy are busy at work, Hannigan's has a table of candy out and pumpkins are everywhere.  The past few years we've noticed a lot of houses left dark on the big night while families go out with their children to trick-or-treat and take in the sights on what could arguably be the island's favorite holiday.
The dilemma we face each year is who gets to stay home to pass out candy and who gets to go out with the kids.  Doing it in shifts is tough.  So I'm wondering this year if we could try something out to keep houses down front open for trick-or-treaters and make sure people get out and enjoy the fun.  I propose we match up people who live off the beaten path with those of us in the thick of things so we can get out and still keep the front porch lights on.
In the next few days I'll see how many people respond looking to "porch-sit" for those of us in the Halloween hub and how many people are interested in getting a "porch-sitter".
Feel free to email me or even pester me in the wheelhouse!

Jill Hannigan

October 10, 2012

Re: Halloween thoughts

I would like to add to the community consideration of how to make Peaks’ awesome Halloween even better, and thanks to Jill for trying to be the wrangler of input…

One frustration I and many others have noted on Halloween is the tension between trick or treating and attending the Lions Club.  Everyone wants to go to the Lions and enjoy the great haunted house and carnival and the costume contest…and everyone wants to trick or treat.  Lots of people try to time attending the Lions to catch the costume contest, but the time is never set or publicized.  Some years we have gone too early and missed most of the time for door-to-door trick or treating while waiting for the contest, other years we have gone too late and missed the contest.  Perhaps the Lions would consider announcing the time of the contest?  Or perhaps it would be fun to have all kids who want to gather at an appointed time (6pm?) at the Gull and have a costume parade down to the Lions Club, where the contest would be held at the start of the evening, while costumes are fresh, followed by the carnival/haunted house and door-to-door trick or treating?

Linda McGregor

October 11, 2012

Re: Home is where the heat is

Dear islanders,

You are invited to participate in a new cooperative, "Home is where the HEAT is". This is for people who are at home during the day, who cannot afford to turn the heat up every day, but who would like to have a warm place to be. There is no cost except keeping your house warm one day per week and sharing your house with 4 or fewer other people on that day. In return, you can spend the other days of the week (if you want) in the warm homes of the other members of the cooperative. 

Please pass the word on to people who you think might be interested, especially those who don't use email. Our goal is to recruit at least 4 members/homes by Friday, Oct 26th and to begin sharing our homes on Monday, Nov 5th. 
Pastor Beatrice Watts

October 15, 2012

Re: Looking for a stump grinder

Does anyone knows of a stump grinding operation on the island? I know I missed one septic pump-out, darn, but is there another planned by any chance? Thanks!

Jill Hannigan
October 21, 2012

Re: An appeal from an incontinent dog

Do not miss this valuable opportunity to de-clutter a part of your life.

Our incontinent elderly animals are going deaf and blind. Consequently, they are hiding in the closet and my bike messenger bag because they think they might be eaten by a saber toothed tiger.

Use this feel good opportunity to help provide peace of mind to loyal trash browsers and table beggars as the approach their sunset years.

Ideally....we are asking the universe for a large dog sized crate container. This way they can hang some posters or Christmas tree lights inside. As outlined earlier, because of the incontinence issue, no wire cages or containment devices made of sticks and leaves will be accepted.

Because I will be sailing in the Caribbean for two weeks (like how I worked that in for no reason at all). I will be unable to respond to any questions. I'm asking that you just drop the carrier off on Christie's porch, 90 Brackett. If you see a carrier on her porch, this will be your sign that you have missed your opportunity.

Note: the carrier may be leaving Peaks Island at some point.  If that poses a moral problem of some sort for you then please move on.

Please help me feel safe.

Rufus Browne

October 21, 2012

Re: Possibly lost cat

Possibly on her often epic hunt--record attempt this time (2 weeks!)...  small, spayed, 2 1/2 yr old female--light tiger markings, no collar, skittish, loves tuna     last seen: Luther/Sterlingish.   Thanks.

Jill Hannigan


October 21, 2012

Re: Flipper the cat from Luther Street

Hello again,

Before I moved off the island, Flipper took off one week before, and did not return by the time I moved.  He is very independent and has taken off for weeks at a time before, being an outdoor island cat.  Trying to find him has been rather futile.

But winter is coming, and I am sure by now he is very confused about the dogs living at his house and his people gone.  I would like to bring him to town or arrange an adoption if someone has fallen for the big guy (he is about 25 pounds of pure affection).

I would like to come out this week and track him down, if you have seen him please send me a note.  I think he roams from the school and over to Central, but maybe he has gone further this time.

Yes I will stop by Marie's to see if he his hanging out.

Thank you for your help.

Jenny James

October 21, 2012

Re: Halloween porch sitting

Good day,
I have received a lot of good feedback and I have several volunteers still to match up with porches!  If you haven't had a chance to get back to me and have young children or are involved in the Halloween festivities, consider having a porch-sitting friend!  A bowl of candy sitting alone is emptied far faster than the bowl that is supervised ;-)  
Jill Hannigan

October 21, 2012

Re: Report on today’s meeting at the American Legion Post 142

To All Islanders,

A dozen members and guests attended today’s American Legion Post 142 meeting, where members elected the following slate of officers based upon the Nominating Committee’s recommendations: Commander: Jamie Semon; 1st Vice Steve Pedersen, Adjutant: Jimal Thundershield;  Sergeant at Arms: Ryan Clapp; and Historian Suzanne Wellborn Clark. 

It was announced that, in honor of Veterans’ Day on Sunday November 11th, the American Legion District 2 Commander would visit our Post off the 12:15 Ferry. We have decided to host a light lunch in his honor. We will also have a short “GI Party” at noon on Saturday, November 10th in anticipation of this visit. Members of the Post, Auxiliary and Sons of the Legion are invited to attend.

Our surveys of islanders who are veterans led to responses from 42 individuals, and there certainly are more. Only 13 survey responders are currently members of American Legion Post 142.  Although our Legion roster actually includes a total of 48 members, we need more members to protect the viability of our Peaks Island American Legion Post.

We respectfully request all other veterans to join today. Dues are $30 per year and include a subscription to the monthly American Legion Magazine as well as support for countless programs that assist veterans and the community, both locally and nationally. Details are available at or from any local member.

Captain P. Smithers Jr.

October 23, 2012

Re: Swamp bicycle

Pulled a man’s bike out of the swamp opposite the skateboarding ramp over the weekend. Obviously, not its usual parking place. It doesn’t look like it was there too long, but it’s definitely used. If you’re missing one, let me know.

Rufus Browne

November 1, 2012

Re: No donation is too large or too small

Hello Peaks Island!!


As you open the hatches to look through you winter gear, please consider passing some along to folks newly settled to Portland.  Many of these families have lived at the equator and have never experienced winter in New England.  Let's bundle them up to keep them warm and healthy! All winter clothing and outerwear for children and adults needed.  Boots, jackets, sweaters, heavy trousers, hats and gloves etc!  No donation is too large or too small


Please drop by gear at my house under the cover of the porch at 72 Elizabeth Street.  I can always come by for a pick up as well.  I plan to drop off gear early next week.


Thank you in advance for your generosity!

Pastor Beatrice Watts

November 18, 2012

Re: Deer culling

Good Day to All,


Beginning the week of November 26th, the annual culling of deer will take place on Peaks Island. In an effort to try and keep as many people notified as to the dates the culling will take place, I will be sending out an e-mail notification as soon as I am notified. Also, the "Deer Hunting Tonight" signs will be placed on Welch Street on the days culling takes place as an additional reminder. Additionally, deer removal will not take place during school vacation weeks.


Finally, if there are any persons interested in obtaining one of the deer, please contact me with your name and telephone/cell phone number, and your name will be placed on a waiting list. Persons on the waiting list who are contacted will be responsible for the butchering of the animal.

Bill Trefethen

November 20, 2012

Re: Will cut and gut for meat

I'm happy to help gut, skin, cut or wrap in exchange for some soup bones and a few pounds of meat.


November 21, 2012

Re: Man looking for work
Hello Islanders,

I took a recent plane ride next to a 30-year-old from Louisiana who is relocating to Maine to be with his 3-year-old daughter who has had some extensive back surgery.  In speaking with him, he has taken a huge leap of faith leaving his extended family and everything he has known behind to be with his child, including a job.

To help him get on his feet, I have been having him help me on my food trucks doing some renovation.  However, I will only have spotty work in the upcoming weeks.

Ideally, I'd love to help find him full time employment but at this point anything to help him will do.

He is looking for $10 an hour.  I'd ask that you pay the $4.10 for the ferry ticket to help as well. He lives in the Woodford area and would ride his bike to the terminal in the morning.  He could work anywhere commutable by bike in town as well because he gave his car to his grandparents when he left Louisiana.

He works great if you are working with him or can write out what you need done.  He is handy and knows how to use tools.  He is very positive and willing to do almost anything.

I am willing to personally vouch for his character.
Thanks for thinking of him and contact me directly if you are interested and I'll put you in touch.

Jill Hannigan

November 29, 2012

Re: Deer hunting
Deer hunting/reduction will take place Thursday evening, 11/29 on Peaks Island. This notice is being sent in an effort to inform residents that they may hear occasional gunshots during the evening hours.

Bill Trefethen

November 29, 2012

Re: On the look-out for deer meat

Does anyone know where/how I can procure some deer meat from the deer culling? 

December 4, 2012

Re: Alert: Winter moth invasion!

We have winter moth on Peaks Island! It's a problem invasive species which is in mature (moth) form now, but there is an easy way to help! PLEASE at night consider leaving on a porch light, the winter moth will cluster on the dry porch wall by the light. In the morning while the moths are still cold and sleeping, vacuum them up off the wall. This can help prevent an explosion of winter moth problems next summer. More information on winter moth here:

Thanks for your help! Winter moths ruin blueberry crops and have only recently been discovered in Maine.

Jill Hannigan

December 6, 2012

Re: Invitation to join the Moth Militia

Hey everyone.


I just confirmed with the state entomologist what I already was saying, that yeah, this is definitely the invasive species of winter moth that we are seeing here on Peaks Island. That's the bad news. But the GOOD news is that I trapped a female! And I did it by leaving my porch light on. The males AND females are attracted to the light on the wall of our porch, and then I vacuum them up in the morning. Look Ma, no pesticides!! Winter moths become big leaf chewers in the spring, sorta like browntail moth without the itch (yay!), but chewing of oak, maples could be a pretty big pain in the neck in the spring, and they destroy blueberry crops, maybe other crops too, but if we trap the moths now, we will hopefully reduce the impact that we will contend with in the spring. 


NOTE: the moths like our DRY porch wall. They don't cluster on the wall where it is exposed to the elements, but they cluster on the sheltered porch by the light. You can vacuum them up at night before you go to bed, or in the morning, or BOTH!  This is a pesticide-free way of combating this pest. 


Will you join this informal "Moth militia?"  If yes, please send me a note when you vacuum up a batch, and i will count up the vacuuming sessions so that we can evaluate the effectiveness. I would like to know how many people are vacuuming up the moths, and how many days and about how many moths you'd guess you're managing to trap/bag each night, so that we have some sense of if it's just me vacuuming or if it is lots of people, and then we can send that information to the state entomologist and in the spring we might be able to evaluate if the wintertime trapping approach is worth the effort. 

Jill Hannigan

December 13, 2012

Re: Weekly fresh fish deliveries

Good day,

A local family fishing fleet now delivers fresh fish weekly to Peaks!  Salt & Sea is a community share of fish from the Odlin family fleet of boats here in Portland.  Every Wednesday you will receive your share on the 16:30 (4:30 PM) boat.  The fish is delivered to Peaks for a 5:00 PM pick-up and will change weekly.  This keeps the fish and profits in the local economy and you only need to make a two month commitment to see if it's the right fit for you.  Justine includes recipes to make it easy.  She also plans to add seaweed and smoked fish in the future.

Do check out their website for more info at

Single Share
A Single Share lasts for two months, and includes weekly deliveries of at least one pound of fresh-cut fillets of locally caught, wild fish. This share is ideal for one weekly meal for a family of two. $96
Double Share
A Double Share lasts for two months, and includes weekly deliveries of at least two pounds of fresh-cut fillets of locally caught, wild fish. This share is ideal for two weekly meals for a family of two, or one weekly meal for a family of four. $160


Linda McGrego

December 13, 2012

Re: Stump grinder

Hi everyone,

I seek a stump grinder! I have quite a lot of stumps! If you know one, or if you need one, or if you ARE one, send me a note and maybe we can collaborate! Thanks!

Jill Hannigan

December 14

Happy Birthday Jesus! Party

Join us for either or both of these fun, family oriented events:


Saturday, December 15 from 5-8pm: Happy Birthday, Jesus! Party

Come for a potluck meal, games, crafts, fun videos, and (of course) birthday cake!


Sunday, December 16 at 4pm: Advent Spiral

A time of quiet song, candlelight, and evergreen.  Our children will lead us and show us the way to let our light shine in the darkness just as the Christ-child taught us.

Hope to see you there!

Pastor Beatrice Watts

December 15, 2012

Re: Free oak and Community Swimming Pool question

Hi there, we have a big huge piece of oak log, yours free if you want to chop it up and take it.

Thing two: Who wants a community swimming pool? Please send me a note, and I will put you on an email list devoted ONLY to exploring that topic.

Jill Hannigan

December 16, 2012

RE: case of the missing leggings/mail at tix window!!?
Hi all,


So a couple of weeks ago I had some mail with me from stopping at the post office, stuck it all behind the green fencing in town at CBL as I was on my way to do errands. Went to pick it up later, and it was gone...I don't usually have trouble leaving things back there…


Someone stuck my paper mail in a plastic bag and turned it into the tix office, but, there was also a package in the mail-3 pairs of long underwear which I would really, really, really like right about now!! They were unmistakeably bright yellow, and 2 other bright colors-purple, and pink maybe?

Did you take them by mistake?? Think they were free? Toss them in the goodwill box?


I'd love to get them back if at all possible.


December 16, 2012

RE: Calling all bakers!

The PITEA Cookie Swap will take place on Sunday, from 2-5 p.m. at the Peaks Island Baptist Church Hall.  Bakers will get together to share these wonderful cookies, Please bring about 6 doz. cookies to swap and one dozen to share.  We will have cocoa, tea, and coffee.

To participate, please bring 7 dozen cookies - 1doz.  for sharing and 6 doz. for swapping.  Recipes can be shared as well. This will be a chance for us to share our favorite holiday cookie recipes which you bake for the holiday you celebrate.

This has been a very difficult time for all of us.  This tragedy in Ct. has created different emotions and feelings in each person.  Tomorrow we will have a chance to be together in a small group setting to share cookies, hot drinks and conversation.  It will be a short respite from all the news but also a time to be with folks we call our friends.

Pastor Beatrice Watts

December 16, 2012

RE: looking for tape for linoleum- Rhino-Grip tape?

Hello all,

Please, does anyone have some Rhino-grip tape for vinyl that I could buy?

I ran out mid-way thru my floor. (the guy at the store assured me it should be plenty...)

Rufus Browne

December 17, 2012

RE: need Hank Greenberg/Detroit Tigers costume components to borrow

My eight-year-old son has to dress as baseball legend Hank Greenberg, who played for the Detroit Tigers in the 40’s, for an oral report at school.  It doesn’t have to be super accurate, but if anyone has anything Tigers or baseball-uniformish generally (we have a glove and cleats), we would love to borrow it.  Ideally, we’d like to gather the costume this weekend and return around Dec. 20. If you can help, please let me know, and we will come by at your convenience.  Thanks!

Marty Jones

December 17, 2012

RE: Naked Barbies and such
Couldn't resist the honest attention grabber.  In cleaning out our younger lives I came across a box of Barbies, no clothes or stuff, just the barely used dolls and even a Ken I think. I thought perhaps someone might get some use out of?  Also, a bag of Halloween decorations (blinking pumpkin lights and such) and many stuffed animals.  Before I take to town if anyone can use any of this please let me know.

Jill Hannigan

December 20, 2012

Free Red Velvet Couches!

Ok, so there is a catch, but they really are free!!We have two beautiful red couches that need a home for at least 3 months, possibly up to 6 months or more/maybe negotiable, while the owner of the couches is moving into a new apartment off island.


So the trade is, please help me make good use of/enjoy using these beautiful pieces, while at same time doing me the favor of storing these high quality pieces that don't deserve to rot in a basement!!


There are two couches-one is the loveseat pictured, the other is a regular size couch.


The attached picture does not quite do these lovely couches justice-they are a true red/maroon, brighter than pictured. Real velvet. SUPER comfortable. Great for guests to sleep on, I often sleep on them myself!!

Stay tuned for other free, great quality furniture to "borrow" that I will also post to the list.


1 comment:

  1. This is such a wonderful example of the unique nati=ure of our island community. A great "found" piece.
